Monday 30 April 2012

This blog is designed to accompany the Haynes Home Plumbing Manual written by Andy Blackwell.

It would be great if no one found any errors or omissions in the manual. It would also be great if I suddenly shot up to 6ft 4 and sprouted long, flowing, locks. Sadly, these two widely disparate events share one common theme – they are both very, very, unlikely to happen - to say the least. So, when an error is spotted I’ll list it here.

The manual also included a fairly extensive chapter on alternative fuels and green technologies, an area that develops at an astonishing pace. As I hear of new grants and developments I’ll be posting them here as an accompaniment to the book.

Whilst the rest of the plumbing sector might not be quite as frantic as the green/alternative fuel arena it’s certainly not static – in fact some would suggest that it just can’t stand still at the moment - so I will be continuing the blogs I wrote for and maintaining a running commentary on general plumbing news and interesting tools and developments. Rather than clog up this blog I’ll be posting this general plumbing news to Plumbforyourlife.